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Found 3174 results for any of the keywords rick maguire. Time 0.011 seconds.
Maguire Guitars Shop Tour ~ MaterialsStep-by-step process of how to build a Guitar by Luthier Rick Maguire. Rick Maguire Custom Made Guitars are sought after throughout the region and are made with sustainable hardwoods.
AboutFormerly For decades, Rick Maguire has been hand-crafting guitars as if they were his only chance to leave a mark upon the earth.
GuitarsHandcrafted guitars by Rick Maguire including, Contemporary, Meridian, and Certified 7 Custom Guitars.
Shop Tour IV ~ Building Necks, Headstock, InlayHere is the back of the neck being prepared for the joint. After the fretboard gluing surface is prepared, it goes onto the spindle sander for preparation of the headstock gluing surface.
Shop Tour II ~ Luthiery ToolsLuthiery is essentially a form of woodworking. Therefore, all the tools are needed; table saw, planer, disc sander, jointer, band saw, routers, etc
MaguireĀ® Guitarshandcrafted instruments of the finest quality
Shop Tour V ~ Tone Woods, Guitar Bodies ComponentsBuilding Guitar Bodies. The customer wants a guitar with no cavity covers and needs some room for the pre-amp and battery, so the cavity is routed under the pickups.
Shop Tour III ~ Building Fret BoardsThis section deals with building custom fret-boards for finely crafted guitars. Also how to cut inlay materials.
Certified 7™ SeriesLooking to capture the tone and mystique of the late 50 s classic solid bodies, My shop and building techniques aren t much different than the factories of old, so the feel of this series is easy for me to capture. The
The Contemporary™ SeriesExceptional instruments at an approachable price point. Contemporary Series guitars reflect the same dedication to excellence as all Maguire guitars.
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